

ACADEMIC/BUSINESS WRITING に興味のある全ての方へ!(プロ講師による実践型セミナー、課題添削付)


Everett Ofori 氏

“Guaranteed Formula for Writing Success” など著書多数。

Profile : Everett Ofori has extensive experience as an instructor of English, Writing, and Public Speaking. He holds an MBA from Heriot-Watt University (Scotland, UK). Everett has helped hundreds of high school and university students around the world to improve their writing and grades. He has worked extensively with business executives but is equally at home with helping young people hone their writing skills.

Everett 講師からのメッセージ

Dear all,
Are you...
- baffled by your assignments?
- confused by research requirements?
- puzzled by bibliographic formats?
- befuddled by profs?

Participate in an upcoming ACADEMIC/BUSINESS WRITING SEMINAR and let a Canadian writer/college instructor with over 20 years' experience help you navigate the maze of your academic career.

Learn how to...

- craft a winning thesis statement
- analyze business and other case studies
- use mind tools to solve pressing business problems
- do a critical analysis, etc.

Learning should be joyful, not stressful.

Contact us now! kills.


下記内容から一つ選び、ワードで2ページ以内(750単語以内)でレポートを作成し、 こちら までお送りください。
※ 締切:2014年2月28日(金)

1) What kind of opportunities do you think an MBA would bring in your future? What is the biggest benefit you hope to get through MBA study?

2) Please analyze the recent Japanese economy in light of Abenomics

3) Please report on an organization you highly admire and why

4) Please select some product/service that you would like to introduce into a country. Do market research on that product and consider its chances of success in the target country.

5) If you have some problems to be solved in your organization, please report on that and on some possible solutions to that problem.

6) Choose any relevant topic from your studies and write on it

開催日程 2014年 2月25日(火) 19:00~20:30
対象 MBA受講検討者、MBA受講生、英文レポートの書き方を知りたい方
参加費 オープン・ユニバーシティ日本事務局 セミナールーム MAP
定員 20名
参加費 8,000円/人
セッションID MB-33
備考 事前レポート課題に対するプロ講師による詳細な添削付き!
当日は Everett Ofori 氏によるオリジナルテキストも配布いたします。
