Administrator's Page

for PC users

OS: Windows 10
Web Browser: Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome latest ver.
Plug-in: Adobe Acrobat Reader latest ver.
Memory: 1 GB or bigger (32 bit OS), 2 GB or larger (64 bit OS)
Display Resolution: 1024 x 768 pixels or higher

Note: Please apply the latest Windows Update before using the software.

Internet Connection

Broadband Internet access is recommended.
Note: We recommend 1.5 Mbps or better.


Audio output
On PCs not connected to sound devices (speakers, earphones), the video and / or sound may not function properly. Please prepare your own sound device for learning our course.

Enable cookies
Our e-Learning service uses Cookies for session management. Please enable Cookies in your web browser to use our e-Learning service.

Enabling JavaScript
Our e-Learning service uses JavaScript for better service. Please enable JavaScript in your web browser to use our e-Learning service.

TLS 1.2 encrypted communications environment
Please use the PC or web browser supported by TLS1.2.

Your System Information

Your current system information is indicated here. Please check if your settings agree with our system requirements.

Web Browser
Display Resolution
Internet line speed
In calculation

*Please note that the above-indicated system requirements may be changed without notice.
*All the names of companies, systems, and products on our web pages are trademarks or registered trademarks for each company.